18 months

Little girl, you captivate us with who you are – your irrepressible joy, your adventurous spirit, your remarkable comprehension and keen observation for 1 and a half. Gleefully dance-splashing in puddles, excitedly spotting the solitary ground hog among the flowers at Trader Joe’s, impatiently directing Daddy to the sample station where you can enjoy curious new flavors, running away with Mommy’s phone to binge on snapchat videos, toddling over with iPad in both hands calling it by name, laughing and clapping your hands when you saw a picture of a pool on a box (you love water!), standing with both hands up in victory when the assembled umbrella opened above  you, looking between your legs so everything is upside down which occasionally turns into a somersault, quietly sitting still so that you could be discovered by smiling eyes. You have that irresistible twinkle in your eyes that finds humor in the most unexpected place. Then your face lights up with that sunshine-y smile which lights up our hearts.

Some of your favorite things are: eating at the picnic benches after Sunday service so that you can people-watch and say “hi” to strangers, hiding with Mommy behind your blanket to surprise Daddy when he comes down the stairs after work, driving your red sportster car to feed the geese under Sundial bridge and seeing Cricket the barn owl at Turtle Bay, standing on two chairs while eating and taking food off Daddy’s plate, laughing and spinning in circles with your hat and music. How can someone so little have so much personality we wonder?

You are the sweetest 18 months we’ve ever known… a most precious gift from above. We love you!